Monday, September 30, 2019

Reflections on the Black Race Essay

That the issue of Obama’s racial background is much talked about in terms of his fitness for the US presidency only proves this: that we Americans have a long way to go in our pursuit of adherence to the ideals of our declaration of independence. After all the document held the fundamental equality of people, and everyman’s inalienable rights, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The declaration did not favor any race in the universality of its coverage. So how come some people have raised the specter of doom for America once the black mestizo Obama wins the US presidency? How come a Democrat lawyer is doggedly pursuing, ostensibly as a matter of principle—that Barack Obma is not a â€Å"natural born American† and is therefore unqualified to run for the presidency of the United States. The Democrat lawyer claimed his motivation was his loyalty to the US constitution. (Refer to the You Tube citation in the reference below for this item). But Surname 2 one can sense a certain ferocity in his campaign that didn’t seem to jibe with his claimed adherence. The dramatic performance of this Democrat lawyer complete with reciting his monologue with the Philadelphia edifice in his background is obviously a public relations stunt of a deeply rooted racist. This theatrics however considerably lost its mantle after a considered US statesman and former Secretary of State—the full-blooded Republican Mr. Powell— endorsed Mr. Obama, making sure he stood for principle in supporting Mr. Obama. Mr. Powell was also bothered by the way his own Republican camp was hitting the dirt in their campaign of hatred against the black American Democratic candidate. (Refer again to the You Tube citation in the reference. ) Mr. Powell finally called for â€Å"a generational change†, and coming as it did from a senior Republican – for a long time, an unprecedented bipartisanship– Mr Powell raised a very important gesture of statesmanship and concern for American welfare. (You Tube). . In his book Dreams from my Father, Obama in the first 20 pages described a life that started as a young mind, clueless on the lifetime struggle that was to be on his shoulders as a black mestizo. He described Kansas, as â€Å"the dab-smack, landlocked center of the country, a place where decency and endurance and the pioneer spirit were joined at the hip with conformity and suspicion and the potential for unblinking cruelty. † (p. 13). Take note of his analogy of the metaphorical duality of his environment when he described Kansas as a place of decency, endurance, and (pioneering) spirit on the upper side, joined in the hip with such negative traits as conformity, suspicion, and the potential for Surname 3 unblinking cruelty†¦ This fairly balanced assessment of his origins recognized the fundamental decency of the American people , but also noted the attitudinal duality to racial origins in his country of birth. In this book Obama explored the pervasive racial issues that he encountered in life, from childhood, to college, — and by now he must have realized—to the present, when as the Democrat candidates, he stood on the threshold of American presidency. Despite this stature, he was still grappling with the race issue. As a young man, Obama was unmindful of the thought â€Å"(that )my father looked nothing like the people around me — that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk. † (p. 16) It was an infinitely harder life for the common blacks. In Obama’s case he only started to become aware of the weight of his racial identity as he grew up. Obama as a black did not come from the underprivileged, but from a relatively middle class environment. Compared to what Obama went through, Brent Staples now tells us that ordinary blacks suffered even harsher environments. Consoling blacks, he reminded them of the historical movement toward their freedom. They came from a country that barely a few decades ago was absolutely racist, a virtual apartheid which situation started to collapse only after World War II. Staples said that only after the collapse did blacks start to move out of their sequestered world and into colleges, jobs, and walks of life that had been closed to them until then. Surname 4 Still, black Americans who came from successful, suburban and upwardly mobile families were regularly dismissed as white or inauthentic . In other words, Brent Staples also blamed blacks for wanting to further marginalize themselves and to inflict on themselves a marginalized status. â€Å"The authentic black experience, it was said at the time, was limited to the hard-core, impoverished upbringing that black people often chose to brag about, even when they had actually grown up with private prep schools in the lap of luxury,† was Brent’s assessment of the black mentality of the 60s. In other words, even Obama was unacceptable to these blacks because he was not authentically â€Å"black† in the poverty side of the issue. But another Republican Alan Keyes dished out another execrable crap when he opposed Mr. Obama in the Illinois Senate race back in 2004 saying Mr. Obama was not black because â€Å"he was not descended from slaves. † Clearly both black and whites think of blacks as having to be miserable in order to qualify for this racial group. The self-image of this group seems to be one that perpetually deprecates itself as always coming from the bottom. Mr. Obama himself, a would-be president of the United States has experienced the existential problem of how it is to be black in the world’s most prosperous country. In his book Obama disclosed how he coped with life as a black in a society dominated by whites. As Staples explains it: â€Å"He stumbled onto the mysteries of race in his own good time and pursued them in his own way. His quest took him to an impoverished community on the South Surname 5 Side of Chicago, where he worked as an organizer in an infamous public housing project before discovering his vocation as a politician. † And Staples sees hope that this division would soon be resolved with a greater understanding of the multiplicity of experiences among marginalized peoples in any society. Said he: â€Å"†¦ The hue and cry over Barack Obama’s identity stems from a failure by black traditionalists to recognize multiracial versions of themselves. Soon enough, perhaps by year’s end, however, the Obama story, which seems so exotic to so many people now, will have found its place among all the other stories of the sprawling black diaspora. † Surname 6 Works Cited Obama, Barack. Dreams of My Father. US: Three River Press, 1995,pp. 1-20. Staples, Brent. Decoding the Debate Over the Blackness of Barack Obama. (2007) The Editorial Observer. Retrieved October 19. 2008 from: http://files. meetup. com/427541/Blackness%20of%20Barack%20Obama%20. doc You Tube campaign against Obama . Retrieved Oct. 21, 2008. http://sayanythingblog. com/entry/a_video_that_could_change_the_election/

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Indian Community

There are different communities around the world serving different purposes. A community tends to affect everyone's life one way or the other by interacting with every individual. Community describes a group of people who have something in common, even though every human is unique. By belonging to the Indian community, I have interacted more with its cultural community, social community, and school community. People all over India belongs to a variety of different communities depending upon their geographic location, values and beliefs, social and recreational interests, history, culture, and language, education and skills, family and race. Apart from the existence of different communities Cultural, Language, Social, and School communities are highly eminent in the Indian community. Culture is an important part of the Indian community. Indian culture has taught me several different things such as how to behave in front of others, how to respect others, how to perform my duties in order, and many other significant guidelines. My culture includes various religious activities such as performing â€Å"Pooja,† a Hindu religion ritual, when somebody bought a new house or for the well being of their family. My sister is also involved in many religious performances like â€Å"Garba,† which is a dance activity done to worship a Hindu goddess â€Å"Amba. † Dance is considered to be a form of art and is of great significance for my family. Certainly, there are several religious festivals in my culture among which the famous one is â€Å"Diwali,† the festival of lights, which is celebrated in honor of Lord Rama on his return to home from exile after fourteen years in jungle. As a child I was always exited to light the firecrackers and eat lots of sweets during the festival of â€Å"Diwali. † Language is also an important constituent of Indian culture since people in Indian community speak several different languages. Hindi, the national language of India, and English are used as the buffer languages by the people of Indian community since they primarily speak their own state languages. My primary language is my state language, Gujarati, then come Hindi, English, Sanskrit, and Spanish, which I learned after coming to United States. In my culture, elders are given the priority of making the decisions in the family and to guide others from their experiences how to make judgments during critical situations. A strong bond of unity prevails in the family, which helps to share joy and sorrow of everyone in the family. Another important aspect of the Indian community is Society. Social community greatly interacts with me in the terms of my relationship towards my relatives, cousins, neighbors, friends, and many others with whom I deal with on a daily basis. Everyone older than me has to be called with a respectful name or a subtitle. I have to go with my family on social visits to my relatives' house on our religious occasions and ceremonies like wedding, birthdays, etc. When we visit someone's house during a New Year day or some special occasions we give them a gift, a box of sweets or usually its money that we offer. There are usually frequent visits from my cousins and friends during the summer time so that we can enjoy our vacation together. For instance, we all would play â€Å"Cricket† in the open fields of the farm in my village and climb up the mango trees to get some raw mangoes. My neighbors around us are very helpful and caring people. A major part in my life and the Indian community is the School community. School community greatly emphasizes on the educational programs than any other programs like athletic, different kinds of clubs, etc. Education is considered as a prestige of the family in the Indian community and highly signifies the family status. My school life in India was the true experience of discipline, manner, and respect for others. Indian schools are strict about the education and so every school enforce rules and regulations of their own. Schools have their own uniforms and guidelines, which every student like me should follow and obey them. My exams were much harder back in my country, India, than they are in United States, in the terms that there were not multiple choice questions, there were mostly essay questions, and in addition to that sometimes we have two final exams in one day. My school life in India is by far the best part of my life that I have ever enjoyed. Thus, Cultural, Language, Social, and School communities in the Indian community are the important aspects of Indian life. The complex nature of these various sub-communities in the Indian community has made them so important that each one can be explored more extensively. As each of these communities is not static, but rather changeable and interdependent on each other. Further more, in-depth analysis of these sub-communities would describe the Indian community as a whole.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Management verses leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management verses leadership - Essay Example Responsibility and accountability for the use of organizational resources accompany the power accorded to a manager or director. In contrast, the term leader implies effective use of influence that is somewhat independent of the formal authority granted to an individual because of position. Leadership cannot be granted to a person by a higher authority; rather, those who decide to follow bestow it on an individual. While managers have formal authority, leaders have the informal ability to get things done by attracting and influencing followers. Effective managers in any organizations must be leaders also, and many leaders become managers, leaders, and directors. The two sets of roles and functions, however, differ (Steven, 2001). If we have to list out the qualities a good leader should possess, the first and foremost is that leaders are good listeners. An effective leader listens emphatically. He welcomes ideas and inputs from his team. This promotes harmony within the team. Leaders are good decision makers. An effective leader, who is focused, authentic, courageous and emphatic, must also have the proper timing in making and executing decisions. Time management is the important parts of good leadership. It is also important to set an example to the team through proper time management. A leader must have talent or specific skills at some task at han... He must be a role model, someone who leads by example. Self-knowledge and self-awareness are also essential characteristics. A leader trusts in his team and motivates them for high performance. A good leader is always generous in praising and recognizing each individual who is a performer and appreciate all contributions, big and small. A leader must project fearlessness in facing challenges. A leader must stand firm even in the presence of criticisms, but still having the courage to admit his mistakes (Smith, 2005).The most important attribute for a leader is being principle-centered. Centering on principles that are universal and timeless provides a foundation and compass to guide every decision and every act. All enduring philosophies, religions and thoughts are based on principles such as integrity, compassion, trust, honesty, accountability and others at their core. (Khan, 2005). Management and the roles of Managers in Organizations A typical definition is that "manager's work toward the organization's goals using its resources in an effective and efficient manner." In any organizations, different levels of managers are present they include top managers, middle managers and first-line managers. Top (or executive) managers are responsible for overseeing the whole organization and typically engage in more strategic and conceptual matters, with less attention to day-to-day detail. Top managers have middle managers working for them and who are in charge of a major function or department. Middle managers may have first-line managers working for them and who are responsible to manage the day-to-day activities of a group of workers (McNamara, 1999). For a healthy organization it is essential to have both good leaders as well as good managers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Slavery in Post-Civil War America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Slavery in Post-Civil War America - Essay Example Authorities would arrest Blacks for minor crimes, and since most of them were unemployed, they had no money to pay court fees their sentences would be extended. The authorities would then sell the slaves to white firms for a small fee and here they were subject to deplorable conditions. After being sold to the white firms, the manager5s of these firms had the authority to make the black men work as they wished. The black slaves would be given huge amounts of jobs to do and failure to complete the assigned tasks would mean being punished by being beaten up. The poor working conditions, poverty and lack of reimbursement meant that the Blacks would not afford taking care of the health. Diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis were abundant in the population, and they were not given treatment or taken care of in any way. Many African Americans died because of slavery implicated on them by the Whites, and they were buried in crude graveyards that came to be discovered many years later. Most of the Whites saw nothing wrong with slavery, and argued that it was good for the economy and only a few disregarded it. Many Whites saw slavery as important, but did not see it as white racism since it boosted the economy. Blacks on the other hand saw slavery as racism, and most of them expressed fears of why there were many black slaves. However, it is evident that Blacks were oppressed by the Whites and authorities played a big role in advancing racism by passing laws to intimidate Blacks. Mapping Human History Steve Olson describes how genetics have contributed to the understanding of humans in terms of race, ethnicity and nationality. He explains that people can discover their past using biological explanations and uses genes to elaborate how people can be able to trace back their ancestral origins. Human beings share the same ancestors, which are in regards to genes, and this shows that all human beings are related in one way or another. The book Mapping Human History by Olson elaborates that every individual has relatives such as parents, grandparents, great grand parents and many more, and in trying to pin down the common ancestor, it relates that more lived thousands of years ago hence implying a universal ancestry background. Despite the fact that these people may have never met, it is evident that there is a universal origin of the human race. Genetics links the human race to the original ancestors, and this brings out the argument that the human race has similar origins, but has changed over time to produce the various races that are in the world today. The genetic explanation of this is that when the sperm meets with the female egg, their pair up their DNA’s and this way people are able to detect their maternal associations because they will have the similarities in their DNA makeup (Olson 20). The Y-chromosomes can found in males can also be used to explain the common ancestry background because males inherit this from their fathers, and biological analysis proves that the modern DNA is from many individuals living in Africa, but got extinct and only the Adam and Eve lineage survived (Olson 23). Olson explains that all

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Physician Assistant role in rural health care system Essay

Physician Assistant role in rural health care system - Essay Example The most recent data from the AAPA show that 22 percent of PAs identify themselves as practicing in rural communities. Real numbers of PAs in rural areas has steadily climbed — from 6,700 in 1996 to over 10,000 in 2002.2 A significant proportion of physician assistants provide health care to rural Americans. In addition to supporting the work of physicians who have chosen a rural practice, many PAs are the sole primary care providers in rural communities.   By increasing access to primary care and preventive services, PAs help reduce overall medical costs. It is in the best interest of rural managed care systems to provide cost-effective local health care services.   Sustaining the care provided to rural Americans by PAs not only increases access to primary care, it also promotes continuity of existing care.   When patients are satisfied with their current health care providers, they should be allowed, or even encouraged, to continue to utilize them in a managed care

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Role of Reason in the Historical Concepts of Human Rights Essay

The Role of Reason in the Historical Concepts of Human Rights - Essay Example The classic example drawn from the Greek literature is that of Antigone, who upon being reproached by Creon for defying his command not to bury her slain brother, asserted that she acted in accordance with the immutable laws of the gods. Human rights concepts however can actually be traced to an earlier period. The Old Testament of the Bible relates the story of ancient Israelites, and in it are abundant inferences about human rights, there is no well-developed statement on the issue but there are significant scattered passages that give clear evidence of a point of view at least as advanced as Greek and Roman philosophy. The Ten Commandments for example, by the prohibition of murder and theft, give implicit recognition is considerably broadened by later elaboration of the laws and by the passionate discourses on justice by such prophets as Amos that can be read in his book in the Old Testament If the concept of human rights is very old, the general recognition of their validity is not, throughout most of history governments failed to accepts the notion that people have rights independent of the state, this called statism and it implies the supremacy of the state in all matters pertaining to the lives of subjects, it is still potent concept in the 20th century, Germany under Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union during the rule of Joseph Staliln are prime examples of statism. It was not until after the Middle Ages, however that natural law doctrines became closely associated with liberal political theories about natural rights, in Greco-Roman and Medieval times natural law doctrines taught mainly the duties, as distinguished from the rights of man, in addition as evidence can be read in the writing of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, these doctrines recognized the legitimacy of slavery and serfdom (someone who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord) and in doing so, excluded perhaps the central most ideas of human rights as they are understood today, the ideas of freedom or liberty and equality. For the idea of human rights to take hold as a general social need and reality, it was necessary that basic changes in the beliefs and practices of society take place, changes of the sort that evolved from about the 13th century to the Peace of Westphalia (1648), during the Renaissance and the decline of feudalism. When resistance to religious intoler ance and political-economic bondage began the long transition to liberal notions of freedom and equality, particularly in relation to the use of ownership of property, then were the foundations of what today is called Human Rights truly laid. During this period reflecting to the failures of the rulers to meet their natural law obligations as well as the unprecedented commitment to the individual expression and worldly experience that was characteristics of the Renaissance, the shift from natural laws of duties to natural laws as rights was made. The teaching of Aquinas (1224/25-1274) and Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) on the European continent and the Magna Carta (1215), the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Octavian by M.T. Anderson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Octavian by M.T. Anderson - Essay Example Anderson. The book tells the story of Octavian, a boy of African-American heritage who lives with his mother at The Novanglian College of Lucidity. He is brought up among scientists and philosophers and is given luxurious treatment throughout his life. In the first volume, we learn about the education of Octavian; he is proficient in music and religious studies, and music studies have made him a talented violinist. Initially Octavian was under the impression, or it could be that he had the illusion, that each of the members living at â€Å"The Novanglian College of Lucidity† is equal. However, as a result of a mistake committed by his mother, both of them are thrown out of the college and have to live with Richard Sharpe. Octavian believed that he was a free member of the Utopian society but his dreams are shattered by Sharpe’s plan to experiment on him to prove that the African race is inferior to white and other races. Thus Octavian comes to find out the reality of li ving in the old America.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Practical Application Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Practical Application Interview - Essay Example Finally, the interview also sought to determine the teacher’s ways of delivering successful cooperative lessons. Successful teaching strategies allow a kindergarten teacher to efficiently educate his or her students (Weimer, 2009). The findings of this interview incorporated ideas that mostly involved understanding children. The interview found out that, in order to model a skill or an idea in a kindergarten student, teachers first need first to grasp the interests of their students. This is because when someone is interested in something, especially a child, it will be much easier for the person to understand the concept. This is a terrific idea. Kindergarten students need first to realize what they are going to learn before they get into details. This will arouse their interests in the concept (Weimer, 2009). The teacher in this interview uses practical objects and imagery to build the vocabulary of her students. Showing pictures of objects to kindergarten students is a powerful way of improving their vocabulary. Children tend to build their vocabulary on what they see (Weimer, 2009). This i s because their thinking capacity is low at their current stage of life. They, hence, recognize what they can picture in their minds. As a result, the teacher uses pictures and real objects to build the vocabulary of her students. According to the findings of the interview, there is one vital way of providing opportunities to students for repeated practice and application of what it taught in class. This is through regular examination of what is taught in the class. Children tend to forget things more quickly than grow ups, (Weimer, 2009). They need to be assessed on a regular basis so that they could remember what they are taught by their teachers. Also, in order for teachers to get immediate feedback to the questions they ask their students, they need to regularly assess their students so as to build their confidence in class. If students have confidence,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cross Cultural Management in the Context of Business Objects Essay

Cross Cultural Management in the Context of Business Objects - Essay Example Every organization has a unique culture that gives it a special identity. Historically the word, ‘culture’, has been used differently in different subjects. Sometimes it is used to describe the sophistication of a person, whereas sometimes it is used by the anthropologists while they are describing the rituals and customs that different societies have developed over the passage of time. However, over the past few decades, the word is more used in organizational context. Experts and researchers have used the term in order to describe the practices and climate that have developed in the process of managing and handling the people in the organization (Schein, 2004). In today’s competitive business environment organizational culture is considered one of the most important factors that influence the individual performance and hence organizational performance. Management of culture becomes critical when there are people from different culture work together in the organi zation. Â  This paper is all about the management of organizational culture and various issues related to it in an organization named Business Objects. The report includes a brief overview of the organization and different problem regarding its culture. It also includes a detailed overview of the policy that should be implemented in the organization in order to solve and manage cross-cultural issues. Culture greatly influences the team performance especially when the team consists of people from the different cultural background. This report contains some possible solutions of problems regarding multicultural teams in the context of Business Objects. Â  Business Objects was established by Bernard Liautaud and one of his colleagues in 1990. The company started with software development.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Kitchen Best Essay Example for Free

Kitchen Best Essay Individual case study: Kitchen Best Kitchen Best is the typical family owned SME, specialized in the Kitchen appliance production, with Headquarter in Hong Kong and manufacturing plant based in China, in the Guandong province. The main problems concerning the company, are all related with its managing and governance system. The company has been run for years by its founder, Cha Dong, who managed it in a paternalistic way, establishing very strong relationships with most of its senior Staff. His management style reflected the old business culture, characterized by high sense of belonging to the â€Å"family† and an high degree of acceptance of the practice of kickbacks, considered the normal way to run business in China. When Cha Dong, at the end off its career, left the management to its son, Henry Chan, all the governance shortcomings came to light. Henry Chan, who received a Western education, had a more international approach, less involved than its father in the operational activities of the company and more focused on its ambitious targets. He prospected to double the revenues of the company entering the US and EU market directly, while continuing to serve the Asian market, where its father focused until that day. Its expertise in the Western culture would have helped the enter in such markets, making the project ambitious but feasible, on the other side focusing in such a target would have meant ignoring the management aspects of its role, who are the basis for the success of a company. Furthermore Henry Chan lack of operational expertise, so he completely relies on Ma Luk, the company’s operations Director, to whom his father delegated the entire operational activities of the factory, during its lasts years of management. He had in that way a great independence and power, given by its expertise and close connection with clients and suppliers. He had also a low level of coordination with Henry Chan, to whom he formally reported, but still substantially referred to Chang Dong for important issues. In fact the Kitchen Best founder had still a strong managerial presence in the company, as all its employees trusted him completely, we can asses that the managerial transition did not happened in substantial terms. The company’s culture reflects the old managerial style of the founder: the selection and training of employees is done on a familiar contact base, not relying on impartial standards of efficiency. The lack of standards in training and  recruitment, the high degree of toleration of kickbacks, together with the high independence in the operational decisions, are all factors that contributed to the bad management of the Staff. To Ma Luk, too much power was delegated, with no substantial control, due to the lack of technical skills of Henry Chan. Moreover his strong ties with clients and suppliers were created through kickbacks, tolerated by the father and after by his son, partially to provide a certain continuation in management and partially for fear of losing most of the crucial contacts. Sze, on the other side, trained Macy Wei, Quality Control Manager, affecting so the impartiality required by her role. Looking at the Trust and Advice Network inside the company, we will s urely underline a strong connection between Sze and Macy Wei, as between Ma Luk and Cha Dong, while the actual manager of the company will result isolated and not connected to the main key figures of Kitchen Best. The communication Network will also reveal important managerial considerations. The communication is formal, non effective and one-way: from the bottom to the top, with a total absence of feedback from Henry Chan. A radical change is so necessary in the company’s culture and governance system, starting with a zero tolerance approach toward facilitating payments. Kickbacks are reducing the competitiveness of the company and is severely punished by criminal laws both in China and Macao, where the company operates. This corruptive system is also exposing the company to many problems: one of its key customers, Honghua, has adopted a zero tolerance policy to kickbacks and the company is re-evaluating all its suppliers under standards of competitiveness. To cope with these issues, Henry Chan should concentrate more in the operational part of the company, gaining expertise and position himself strongly at the head of the company. First of all, he should establish a code of ethics, as a first step to change the old and paternalistic company’s culture, by inserting Western elements such as standards and ethics principles. The Code of Ethics should be a formal statement, containing ethical principles related with employees responsibilities and Business integrity. On the other side, Standards should be settled and implemented, with a zero toleration of sub-standards, especially when Selecting, Hiring, Training and Promoting employees. Promotions should be based on performance and compliance with the Codes. Moreover an External Independent Auditor should be hired to control that all  the members of the company, and also its suppliers are complying with standards and Codes. After all, Henry Chan should communicate in an effective w ay the radical measures adopted, explaining to the Stuff how fundamental is for the company to meet the standards established, to enhance its competitiveness in order to better serve its actual Asian clients and to enter the US and EU market. Repeating past errors, such as the Shago or Haus de Metro Incidents, will be fatal for the future of the company: suppliers will be chosen according to their competitiveness and no more on family or friendship relationship base. For that reason a specific Code of behavior for Suppliers has to be implemented too. In conclusion, to make the corporate governance transformation of Kitchen Best feasible, Henry Chan should definitely strengthen its position and impose a more ethic behavior inside the company. To do so, he should enter into the Trust Network, establishing a trust relationship with its Stuff, not being afraid of scolding them when necessary and partially divesting their strength in the customer and suppliers relationships. He should Invest much more time in operational and managerial tasks, as the growth and success of the company depend on them. He should also implement a bi-side communication with its employees, reporting periodically their performances through Feedbacks. When Henry Chan will have adopted all these measures and implemented all the Standards and Codes, his father will be divested from its role, reducing so its influence in the company’s decisions, who reflected the old paternalistic culture, favorable to the unethical practice of facilitating payments.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Leadership Traits Of Steve Jobs

Leadership Traits Of Steve Jobs Charisma is a God given gift that few people possess, he is one of them. God not only gives him this gift, but also gives him the magic to attract the public which is usually the character of provocative evangelist and politician. He is a typical American-style hero, after several ups and downs; he is still around, like Hemingway said in The Old Man and the Sea: A man can be destroyed but not defeated. He and his friend created a legend in electronic word, bring the world to a personal computer era. But at the peak of his career he was blocked, his life fells from the peak to the bottom, but 12 years later, he comeback , to start another legend. Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life, says Steve Jobs. From the day he was born on February 24, 1955, Steven Paul Jobs was on his own. As the CEO of Apple Computer and CEO and Chairman of Pixar, Jobs is today recognized as one of the top leaders and is worth an estimated $4.4 billion. He is a successful example of in both computer and entertainment industries, his story impress me a lot so I decide to write this paper, mainly for unearth the factors that lead him to so many success and his distinctive characters that make him such a charismatic person. I will first give a brief introduction about his childhood and background information and his career, then I will list and explain his major leadership traits and behaviors that make him an idol. The last will be the application of Steve jobs leadership in hospitality industry. snapshots of Steve Jobs Born of APPLE Steve Jobs was born in San Franciscoà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’February 24, 1955, the moment he was born, he became a orphanhe was ruthlessly abandoned by the university professor father and the decadent artists mother. Luckily, a lonely couple who dont has any kids adopt him. When Jobs is a kid, he is smart, naughty, wanton, and often come up with mischief, nevertheless he gets outstanding academic records. At that time, Jobs lived near the famous Silicon Valley where many of his neighbors are Silicon Valley veteran of Hewlett-Packard, under the influence of these people, he fall in love with electronic. The first time he saw the computer is in a party of HP employee, and began to crazy about it. When he was in the junior high, he met Stephen Gary Wozniak (Aug. 11 1950) who is five years older than him and latterly became the most important person in his career. Woz is the president of e-club and also have great interest in electronics so the two hit it off. They founded Apple Computer together e ight years later. When he was 19 as a freshman of college, he suddenly came up with an idea to get a job in a computer game company and drop the school. Soon after, he became interested in Buddhism quit the job and travel overseas to India to be the apprentice of the master. After he fails he came back to USA and work in the previous company to be an engineer. After many setbacks, he finally decided to settle down and work on his interests as before. With Woz jobs spend day and night in his garage doing all kinds of experiment and dreaming about having a personal computer. After exploring the market he found out, computer at that time are all giant computer for commercial usage and quite expensive. So they think about developing a personal computer by themselves, but the corn part of the computerthe 8080 chip costs $270 and wont sell to the individual client other than public company. Finally, they find another 6502 chip 6502 which almost has the same quality with the chip 8080 made by inter company and the prize if much lower, it only cost $20 for each piece. They went back to the garage with the chip and starts their innovation of computer world. After several weeks, they finally finish their first piece of worka personal computer. But at that time they dont what their work means to the future electronic world, it is the first personal computer and is a brand new concept to most of the people by that time. All of their friends was so shocked and Steve and his friend tried everything they can to raise money for the bulk production. On the fools day of 1976, Jobs and Woz and one of Jobs friends Ronald Wayne together sign a contract and decide to establish the apple companies with the well know logo an apple bit by somebody. And the computer itself was named as the Apple I Abandoned by the company he established At that time Apple didnt have a good business, even though the computer is quite amazing for those who love electronic, for the common person they dont know what this machine used for. Their first big order is a 50 one made by a salesman. And then they began to receive more and more orders, and Jobs began to consider of bulk production. Unfortunately, few people would like to invest until a successful salesman provide a huge amount of loan to them and help them develops a business plan. On the first computer fair held on the west coast, Apple II attracted so much attention and thousands of customers crowd around their exhibition hope to buy one. Apple came to a peak in 1980 when the company went public. All the shares were sold out within an hour, and Steve Jobs became one of the richest men in USA. He receives the National Technology Medal granted by President Ronald Reagan. However failure seems always comes with huge success, Steves business philosophy always differs from other people and the IBM began to grow up swallow apples market share quickly. Nearly everyone think its Steves fault to have such a bad business. On September 17, 1985 he quit his job, leave the company he set up. He insist to sell the hardware and software together as a package and this stop the companys expansion speed à ¨Ã‚ µÃ‚ ¶Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ µÃ‚ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ½Ã…“à ¥Ã…“ ¨Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‹â€ Ã‚ ·Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’do everything by themselves, that is one of the reasons why he fail. December 17, 1996 is a remarkable day for Apple and the entire computer industry. Steve Jobs came back and with an even greater passion on Apple, because he never forgets his dream. By the time he went back he start to reform and restructure the traditional operation and administration in the company. To everybodys amazement, he picks up the relationship with Microsoft which is the biggest competitor at that time. Just like before, he spent a lot of effort inventing new computers. His effort pays off until iMac, a brand new design computer occurred in the market with the famous motto I think, therefore iMac. He always keeps himself busy and company start to make profit again. Before he came back companys balance show a negative number of one billion but by the time 1999 the balance show a positive number of 300 million, at the same time iMac II shock the computer market again people began to regard him with special respect. Outstanding leadership traits of Steve Jobs Physical and Background Traits Steve Jobs is adopted as referred in the introduction part, this quite influence his personality formulation of his whole childhood, Steve is so clever that he recognized he was adopted when he is very young, this makes him feels it is more dependable of himself than others, because even his biological parents abandon him. In this case he began to become more and more independent and hate the regulation from others and tends to make every decision by himself. For instance, even if his family is not that rich, he insist to go to a private school which charge high fees to study in the best microelectronic school at that time. To everyones surprise, he quit the school which he spent so much effort to get in because he think the homework is stupid and waste of time. Even the school dismissed him, he still stay in the dormitory learn by himself and do the experiment. At last he even cant stand stay in the school, he goes out the campus and get a job in HP. Another trait that make him so success maybe because his environment he stay during his childhood. His family leaves near the famous silicon valley where many great electronic masters work and this affect him so much that he addicted to it and cant help himself out. Whats more, he even lives next to an engineer works in the HP Company and act as his mentor when he is young. This man is worth mention not only because he lead Steve into the magic electronic world but also he introduce him a job in HP and this is so important for Steve because it help Steve to know more about electronic and the business. Personality and Ability Traits Power of dominance. Steve Jobs dominance everything during work including the detail process of production and all employees. No matter you are a common person or a computer genius he can always dominant you, for most people willing or have to obey his direction. For those who insist not follow his idea, he will use everything he can to defeat you to obey his commander. For example, he always question people like, Do you really believe you are right? most people will lose confident at this moment and for those who dont compromise, he will try his best to find out the flow in your work, and gradually destroy your self-confidence and believe he is the person that you have to obey. Steve Jobs use nearly every psychological skill that helps leaders to control others and maintain the leaders dominance. It usually takes two steps to control a person, first, he will use some frightening or even rude way destroy the persons confident makes the person feel like a helpless child. Then, build a parent image for himself to guide him, after these two steps the person will behave in the way Steve told him and grant his own success to Steves great guidance. Jobs have very high skill in giving speech and presentation. There are mainly 7 techniques that Jobs has learned about inspiring his audience; he use all of them to wow his employees, customers, investors, or anyone else he need to motivate. First, Sell dreams, not products. Steve Jobs define his mission as changing the world. When iPod appears on the market in 2001, Jobs said, In our own small way were going to make the world a better place. Where most people see the iPod as a music player, Jobs sees it as tool to enrich peoples lives. Secondà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’Reveal a Holy Smokes moment. There is always one water cooler moment in Steve Jobs presentation. For example, when Jobs unveiled the MacBook Air, what do people remember? They recall that he take computer out from an envelope! The image of a computer sliding in an envelope was immediately unveiled in Apple ads and on the Apple website. The water cooler moment had run according to plan. Share the stage. Few companies are as closely associated with their founders as Apple is with Steve Jobs. But on stage Steve Jobs is far from a one-man show. Jobs introduces partners or customers in every major presentation. If they cant physically share the stage with him, he will roll video clips and testimonials about Apples products. He also introduces employees who deliver sections of the presentation. Whether its designer Jonathan Ive or marketing chief Phil Schiller, employees with particular expertise in one area often share the stage with Jobs. Your audience craves variety. Give it to them. They also want to see teamwork. Show it to them. Task and Social Traits He has the greatest motivation in his work. First 3year when he back to Apple he didnt get any money from the company which equals to stock worth $500 million and insist working 90 hours a week. So, it is the passions on making unique products that are outstanding and change the perspective for consumers. And never give up the passion on Apple even when he caught cancer. Like all of the successful leaders, Jobs has great sociability. When Jobs leaves apple and began to set up a new company and try to get a bank to cooperate, he calls the chairman of Citibank, even it can be done by a manager in a branch-bank, the chairman met him help him solve the problem. Whats more, he also does some charities and send new product to those who he admire by himself. All of these behavior enhance his affected his influence in the public. Outstanding Negotiation Skill à ¥Ã‚ ¤Ã¢â‚¬ ¡Ãƒ ©Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’à ¥Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ¾-à ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â€š ¬Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â€ž ¢ Striving for perfectionism; Leadership behavior of Steve Jobs Directive leadership behaviors Base on so many anecdotes of Steve Jobs no matter positive or negative, we can clearly see he belongs to directive leaders. He seldomly listen to others opinion and even name others idea as stupid. Like most directive leaders, he set up strict rules to his employee. Those who fail to meet his expectation will be reprimanded. In his mind everyone should listen to his command, not only the employee but also the member of the board. The reason why he leaves apple in the early years is also caused by his directive or even someone calls egocentric. By that time, Apple doesnt have very good business because he insists to develop both software and hardware all by themselves and some other failure decision. While other computer companies like IBM quickly develop and gradually eat Apples market. His directive leadership behaviors annoy the board finally decide to kick him out. Even though the directive leadership brings him a lot of trouble, but his success is also base on it. He knows what t he plan is and how it will work. He is so directive that every employee should follow his commander and do in his way with no excuse otherwise they will be dishonored in public. When we are surfing the internet with a comfortable laptop or enjoy a game using a multi-touch screen cellphone in a subway, we will find out its Jobs directive and perfectionism that make our life so interesting. 4.2 Charismatic and transformational leadership behaviors Magic of the culture is gather a group of people and create a super power. Jobs is the kind of leader who can create such kind of cultural to increase the coherence of the team.1981 Jobs form a new group for the Macintosh computer, until 1982 he gets 20 member in his group and all of them are shrewd, capable, and full of passion like a group of pirate he is the pirate chieftains. He also held a party to implement this culture, in the party he gave everyone a T-shirt with a slogan on the cuff says: 90 Hours A Week And Loving It! He also add some sentence for some people to let them feel how important they are for the company, and some even higher level engineers can even have big meal in the cabin. He create the pirate culture not for fun, his real goal is to motivate the group to work hard to shock the world on May 16, 1983 when the computer fair would be held. All the members looking forward to the advent of products and value the product better than their life. By spreading the pir ate culture he gets a highly motivated group and reaches his goal. He knows how to convince others in in many ways including humiliation and challenging. His language is very irresistible both in speech or when negotiate with investors. Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world? this sentence which is abounding in sedition governs John Sculley the CEO of Pepsi defect to Apple. This sentence looks like a compliment and also a humiliation, it stimulate Sculley and he suffer from it for several days thinking if he not accept jobs invitation, he will wander weather he made a right decision. In the Inaugural Sulley addresses, the only reason he work for apple is to work with Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs in hospitality industry Even though there are essential differences between hospitality industry and electronics industry, but leadership is relevant. All the industries are managed by people and most essential work is done by person, so leaders of these two industry must sharing some characters or trait with each other. Hospitality industry as a labor intensive industry requires more powerful and skillful leader compared to other industry. Learning from others or even other industries becomes a shot cut for many leaders who want to improve themselves leading skills. Steve jobs as a legend of the electronics industry must be outstanding in leading a company or have some special ability to improve the efficiency of management. After analyzing and abstracting the basic leadership traits and leadership behavior of steve jobs, lets take a further step in exploring the application of steve jobs leadership character in hospitality industry and find out how the current management methods in hospitality industry ca n be improved. As a referred previously in this paper, he is the one who born to change the world. Which means his major character of his leading attributes is about innovation. This character really helps him and Apple Company shows outstanding and produces cutting-edge products. Each time Apple introduce new product into the market, there will be a huge purchase wave appear. As for hospitality industry, is innovation important in big decision making process or even daily operation? The answer will be yes. Implementing innovation in hospitality industry usually happens on the international franchising. In order to adjust itself to a new environment, a leader who have the spirit of innovation will be needed. Not only for the product adjusting but also the service concept changing. Take an example of KFC to illustrate my opinion, as we all know KFC which is one of the most famous fast food company in actually china comes from USA, but KFC seems dont have that much fans in USA compared with China. Bu t when the head company made a decision to penetrate into China market they make huge innovation to both their product and brand image. This turns out to be a big success. From this point of view, Steve jobs leading method is perfectly suit for hospitality industry. When people who had the experience of working with Jobs were asked to conclude him will always refer to his charisma, like some will say the only reason I work in Apple Company is to work with Steve Jobs. Or, his word seem have some magic that you cant refuse he will let you believe he is the only person that will lead you to success. This is a symbol of charismatic or transformational leadership. Jobs even been described as a textbook of charismatic leader who is always assertive, dynamic, outgoing, and often forceful. These characters become more and more apparent as he grows up. Hospitality as a business mainly about produce guest satisfaction has a high demand of this kind of leading style. Hotels need motivated employee to produce high guest satisfaction, and this can be handled perfectly by a charismatic leader. When hotel managers trying to motivate their employees into a good service attitude and positive mood, the manager himself should first behave dynamically and be outgoi ng so that the employees can be infected with his spirits. Imagine that, one hotel manager is depressed and how his employees will behave? His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone around him because he is the leader the role model of the followers.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Jungle :: essays research papers

This book was fact. Upton Sinclair visited Chicago in November 1904 to do research for the book. Sinclair lived in a neighborhood called Packingtown for seven weeks. While in Packingtown, Sinclair interviewed workers, lawyers, doctors, saloonkeepers, and social workers. The book deals with the greed and ruthless competition that turned America into a brutal country, which Sinclair referred to as a "jungle." The Jungle also tells how those at the bottom of the economic ladder, who were wage-earners and their families, are at a great disadvantage in the capitalist country. The wage-earners are slaves to the sudden wishes of their masters, who are the capitalists who own and run private industries. The Jungle starts with the marriage of Ona Lukoszaite and Jurgis Rudkus in America, which was organized by Ona's cousin Marija. The novel then flashes back to their lives in a rural Lithuanian town, and how their families, Ona's stepmother Elzbieta, and her five children, Jurgis' father, and four other adults, thought that America would be such a great place to live in and decided to move to America. The day after the wedding is over, everyone was back to work and Jurgis and Ona's married life was cheerless. The pressures of work, poverty and illness stifles the families spirits and then Dede Antanas, Jurgis' dad, dies. After Jurgis gives his father an inexpensive funeral, he decides to join the Union and begins to learn English and gets an unfriendly opinion of democracy. Jurgis begins to see how the packers operate, they sell spoiled or contaminated meat without remorse. Workers are exposed to awful occupational diseases without protection. Then, Ona give's birth to a baby boy. The families third winter in America starts with Jurgis getting injured on the job and Jonas, Elzbieta's brother, disappearing, leaving the families income to decrease by one third. When Jurgis recovers and goes to get his job back, he finds it gone and must find another job. He finds a job at Durham's Fertilizer Plant. Because of the smell of the plant, Jurgis starts to drink. He then finds out that Ona is pregnant again, and he isn't the father. Ona's boss, Phil Connor, threatened to fire everyone in her family if she did not submit herself to him. Jurgis nearly kills Connor when he finds out and is sent to jail. When Jurgis is let out of jail, he finds his family evicted from the house they tried so hard to keep, and back to the lodging house where the family was when they first arrived. Upon finding the family, Ona is giving birth, and Jurgis persuades a midwife to help, to no benefit, and The Jungle :: essays research papers This book was fact. Upton Sinclair visited Chicago in November 1904 to do research for the book. Sinclair lived in a neighborhood called Packingtown for seven weeks. While in Packingtown, Sinclair interviewed workers, lawyers, doctors, saloonkeepers, and social workers. The book deals with the greed and ruthless competition that turned America into a brutal country, which Sinclair referred to as a "jungle." The Jungle also tells how those at the bottom of the economic ladder, who were wage-earners and their families, are at a great disadvantage in the capitalist country. The wage-earners are slaves to the sudden wishes of their masters, who are the capitalists who own and run private industries. The Jungle starts with the marriage of Ona Lukoszaite and Jurgis Rudkus in America, which was organized by Ona's cousin Marija. The novel then flashes back to their lives in a rural Lithuanian town, and how their families, Ona's stepmother Elzbieta, and her five children, Jurgis' father, and four other adults, thought that America would be such a great place to live in and decided to move to America. The day after the wedding is over, everyone was back to work and Jurgis and Ona's married life was cheerless. The pressures of work, poverty and illness stifles the families spirits and then Dede Antanas, Jurgis' dad, dies. After Jurgis gives his father an inexpensive funeral, he decides to join the Union and begins to learn English and gets an unfriendly opinion of democracy. Jurgis begins to see how the packers operate, they sell spoiled or contaminated meat without remorse. Workers are exposed to awful occupational diseases without protection. Then, Ona give's birth to a baby boy. The families third winter in America starts with Jurgis getting injured on the job and Jonas, Elzbieta's brother, disappearing, leaving the families income to decrease by one third. When Jurgis recovers and goes to get his job back, he finds it gone and must find another job. He finds a job at Durham's Fertilizer Plant. Because of the smell of the plant, Jurgis starts to drink. He then finds out that Ona is pregnant again, and he isn't the father. Ona's boss, Phil Connor, threatened to fire everyone in her family if she did not submit herself to him. Jurgis nearly kills Connor when he finds out and is sent to jail. When Jurgis is let out of jail, he finds his family evicted from the house they tried so hard to keep, and back to the lodging house where the family was when they first arrived. Upon finding the family, Ona is giving birth, and Jurgis persuades a midwife to help, to no benefit, and

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Victor as the Monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein :: essays research papers

Monsters can come in various physical forms, but all monsters share the same evil mentality. A Monster is a being that harms and puts fear within people. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a prime example of how appearance does not determine whether a creature is a monster or not. In the story, Victor Frankenstein tries to change nature by creating a super human being. The being appears to be a monster. Victor becomes so obsessed with his creation and then rejects it. Victor is the real monster because of his desire for power, lack of respect for nature, and his stubbornness. Because of Victor’s need for fame and desire for power leads to Victor becoming a monster. Victor begins his quest to bring life to a dead person because he does not want anyone to feel the pain of a loved ones death. At first he is not obsessed with his project. As he moves along in the project he thinks about what will happen to him. "Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. A new species would bless me as its creator and source, many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me." (Shelley 39) He realizes that he will become famous if he accomplishes the task of bringing a person back to life. The realization that he will become famous turns him into an obsessive monster. He wanted to be admired, and praised as a species creator. He isolates himself from his family and works on the creature. â€Å"I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. For this I deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation, but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.† (Shelley 156) By spending most of his time inside on his experiment, he has no time to write or contact his family. He puts fear within his family because they fear for him. Victor has a lack of respect for the natural world that leads him on the path to becoming a monster. In creating the monster Victor is trying to change the natural world. He is trying to play the role of god by creating life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Made Up Myth Character Essay

Strength: Sharp teeth, muscular body, strong, good eyesight, excellent sense of smell, and giant feet. Weaknesses: Low self esteem, ability to get influenced, unattractive, not social, and obese. Sizzina, a transformed monster, was once a normal human being like all of us. The halls in the school were filled with praises about Sizzina. She had sharp features, beautiful eyes, blonde curly hair, an amazing skinny figure. She was the girl everyone wanted to know and to socialize with. However, the admiration got to her head. Sizzina was now conceited. Students, friends, and teachers were treated like servants. They did her homework, followed her around everywhere, took orders from her, and also did her chores. They didn’t have status or value in the eyes of Sizzina. The halls that were once filled with praises and commandments were now turned into hearts filled with hatred. The god of beauty, Sonia, noticing all the injustice occurring to other students made a ever changing decision. Sizzina had to learn her lesson! Sonia decided to turn Sizzina into an unattractive monster. A monster that would not receive any appreciation. Sooner nor later, her high self esteem turned into an ocean filled with tears. Sizzina, could not handle the embarrassment which led to the encounter of â€Å"weird† friends. One day, Sonia noticed the drastic changes occurring in Sizzina. Sizzina was now more aware of true friendship that she had never known before. Also, she became so close to her friends that she couldn’t imagine her life without them. They gossiped, chatted, shopped, ate food, and did all their daily activities together. She was no longer lonely. She appreciated her friends more than her family. Material items did not have any value for her anymore. Love and friendship was the only thing that had a position an space for in her life and heart. However, she didn’t know that one day she would have a difficult decision between her old beautiful self life or this current life in which she was a monster, but with wonderful friends. After a long night of sleep, she woke up in the morning not in her cozy bed. She was in the clouds between an unknown stranger. Sonia said â€Å"Hello Sizzina! I know everything about you. I know you have a lot of questions in your mind right now but this isn’t the right time for them. Today is a really important day for you because it’s going to change your life completely. You have to make the decision between choosing your old life where everyone admired you or the life that you have as a monster. But don’t forget, chose the life that has more value and meaning to you. A life that you would never regret.† This was one of the hardest choice Sizzina had to ever make. She was flip flopping between her old life and her current. However, in the end, she without a doubt chooses her current life due to her amazing friends that were there for her in her rough times. They’re people who she would never want to lose. Beauty has no importance in front of friendship. Friends truly love you for who you are and not for your physical appearance.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Explanatroy Synthesis – Black Hawk War

Talha Baig Dr. Amy Larsen English 1302 – UHD March 14, 2013 Explanatory Synthesis: â€Å"The Black Hawk War of 1832† Black Hawk was an Indian war chief who had a following of couple hundred Sauks Indians. Black Hawk and his followers fought against the Americans before the war of 1832 and were strictly against the expansion of Americans into their territory (Tena 2-3). The Indian war chief was born in Saukenuk and had been living there with his fellow Indians until the Americans came and forced them out of their land.Since Saukenuk was Black Hawk's hometown, he was determined to hold onto it and was ready to oppose Americans because he saw the Americans as a threat to his culture and land (John 3). His anger and disgrace towards the Americans eventually led to the Black Hawk war along with couple of other factors. The unjust treaty of 1804 was one of the main factors of the War and it made Black Hawk even more concerned about the Americans and the treaty also caused som e intertribal rivalries between different Indian tribes but even after that Black Hawk was hoping to avoid a war.It is known that the American soldiers who confronted Black Hawk allegedly fired the first shot, which started the Black Hawk war. The United States Government put forth many treaties to obtain the Land from the Indians but the unjust Treaty of 1804 is known as the main factor that led to the War of 1832. The way the signing of the this Treaty took place was very unlawful because most of the Indians who signed it were not really main authority holders of the Indian tribes and the signing of the treaty proceeded even though there were many Indians who were not ready to sell their lands over to the Americans (John 1).Some of the Indians did not even fully understood the conditions of the treaty and the worst part of this treaty was that it gave the land of the Saukenuk village over to the Americans, which made Black Hawk furious and bitter (Tena 3). Since even Black Hawk, w ho was a major Indian chief did not have the complete knowledge about the extent of the Treaty, it proves that the Treaty of 1804 was unlawful and unjust. After the Treaty of 1804, Black and other Sauks became extremely bitter and enraged towards the Americans. The Treaty also ended up causing some intertribal rivalries between the indian tribes.Black Hawk and his followers were not willing to accept the terms of the treaty of 1804 and wanted to resist the American ways but on the other hand some Indian tribes feared that they would stand no chance against the Americans and did what they were told by the Americans, which became the cause of tension between the Indians (John 2-3). One of the leaders who held a different point of view from Black Hawk was Keokuk, who was also the leader of Sauks indians and he had no intentions of resisting against the Americans ( Jane 4 ).The different point of views of the Indian tribes and the intertribal rivalries that the Treaty of 1804 stirred up caused Black hawk and his followers to go on a different path, which was to try and move back to the land where they all originally started from. That land was Illinois and the Americans had begin settling there. Black Hawk and his followers tried several times to retake their hometown but could not succeed and were attacked by the Americans, which led to the conflict known as the Black Hawk war.The Indian chief with his couple hundred followers decided to resist against the Americans and tried going back to where they started from, with the purpose of settling there (Jane 4). However, Black Hawk was still hoping to avoid getting into a war with the americans but in the end it was inevitable. The Americans always thought of the native Indians as savages, who killed a lot of Americans in the past. So when Black Hawk and his people were crossing the Mississippi River, they were attacked by the American soldiers and the Indians ultimately lost (Arnold 1).It is known that the Americans allegedly attacked and fired on the Indians first, which resulted in the Black Hawk war of 1832 and the capture of the Indian Chief; Black Hawk by the Americans. The road to the Black Hawk war of 1832 was paved by the unlawful treaty of 1804, which not just enraged Black Hawk but also caused a lot of intertribal rivalries between the Indians and further more the unjust actions of American soldiers brought upon the downfall of Black Hawk (Tena).One can easily blame the treaty of 1804 for ultimately dividing the indians and for their bitterness towards the United States government, since Black Hawk was just trying to protect the land and the culture of his people (John 3-4). Word Cited Tena L. Helton. â€Å"What the White â€Å"Squaws† Want from Black Hawk: Gendering the FanCelebrity Relationship. † The American Indian Quarterly 34. 4 (2010): 498-520. Project MUSE. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. Arnold Krupat. Patterson's Life; Black Hawk's Story; Native American Elegy. † Ame rican Literary History 22. 3 (2010): 527-552. Project MUSE. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. John K. Flanagan. â€Å"The Treaty of St. Louis and Black Hawk's Bitterness. † 21 N. Ill. U. L. Rev. 405. (2001 ): 2553 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 14 Mar. 2013. Jane Simonsen. â€Å"Descendants of Black Hawk: Generations of Identity in Sauk Portraits. † American Quarterly 63. 2 (2011): 301-335. Project MUSE. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Evaluate the Strategic Leadership of Michael O’leary

Is Michael O’Leary an asset or a liability to Ryanair? The case suggests that he is both. Students could debate the pros and cons of Michael O’Leary’s continued leadership of the company. The characteristics that have driven the company forward – his enthusiasm and energy, his strategic insight, his determination and mission orientation – can be carried too far. Is it all part of an integrated inseparable whole, so do you have to take the good with the bad? Is this where we may enter the realm of Sidney Finkelstein’s failure warning signs, when you have too much of a good thing? In fact, some schools of thought would value Michael O’Leary’s relentless energy and his thriving on adversity. It shows a lack of complacency – quite the opposite of what Finkelstein points out as a danger signal. The capacity to irritate may bring about conflict and change. Also, in Michael O’Leary’s favour, as Ryanair’s largest single shareholder, he literally ‘puts his money where his mouth is’. Another way of looking at Michael O’Leary’s leadership is whether he was the right person for the job during the change era, but does the company now require more of a ‘manager’ than a ‘leader’ during a consolidation era? In other words, this is a ‘horses for courses’ approach to the evaluation of O’Leary’s leadership. One may ask whether and/or for how much longer Michael O’Leary wants to stay in the job. Will he get bored and retire to his cattle farm, currently his hobby? There is a suggestion that he would not be happy to preside over a static comfortable situation. Or, would he be headhunted by another airline or by another business altogether? Students might consider whether they would headhunt Michael O’Leary, and why or why not. Chapter 10 discusses types of leaders, i. e. transformational versus transactional and types of leadership emphases and approaches. It is an interesting exercise to see how students would categorise Michael O’Leary. Perhaps what emerges is that he is difficult to categorise. What does this imply?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Economic Impacts Essay

The Attack on the World Trade Centre in Manhattan had happened on September 11, 2001. The attack had led to the destruction of numerous buildings and lost of lives. This had greatly affected not only the citizens of the United States. The incident had also affected the economy of the country. According to the report of Mr. George Kahn (2001) , the vice-president   and economist of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas, US economic growth had already slowed dramatically. Based on the experiences in the year 1996 to 1999, a growth in the GDP has been experienced. It is only logical to think that GDP will continue to rise in the next few years. However, Real GDP has slowed to a 2.8% rate of growth last year. Unemployment had moved down from 3.9% in th year 2000 to 4.9% in August. The slowdown in the economy had led to unexpected increase in energy prices and re-evaluation of the prospects for corporate earnings. Prices in the stock market have been affected, and consumer spending began to slow down. In early September, prices on energy began to stabilize and consumer spending had hold-up. Although manufacturing activity continued to decline but in a slower rate as compared to what happened in the early part of the year. However, this has all changed after the attack in September 11. 2001. Looney (2002) has used categories to differentiate the different economic impacts of the attack in the United States. His categories were based on two types. First is the nature of the impact and second is the length of time the economy has affected the country. In this paper, the author would use the length of time the impact has on the economy. These effects would be divided into three parts: The short-term impact, the medium-term impact and the long-term impact. Short-term impacts of the economy can be further categorized into two. These are the immediate short-term direct impact and the immediate short-term indirect impact. Looney (2002) had enumerated several short-term impacts after the September 11, 2001 attack. For the immediate short-term direct impact, it was stated that Lower Manhattan of New York had lost an approximate of 30% of its office space because of the attack. Reports stated that an estimate of 200,000 were destroyed or relocated out of New York City. Estimated cost of destruction of physical assets in businesses amounts to $ 14Billion for private business, $ 1.7Billion for the local and state assets and $ 0.8Billion for federal enterprises. Rescue, cleanup operations and other cost related to these two is approximately $11 Billion. Total direct costs as computed by Looney (2002) in the article, is estimated to be at around $27.2 Billion. However, Mr. Alan Hevesi, had considered other factors that was not included in the article of Robert Looney. Hevesi (2001) considered the lost of human capital which is estimated to be at $11 billion. These are the lives of the workers who had been killed during the attack. This figure is based on the expected earnings during the personâ€⠄¢s remaining work life. Indirect short term impacts of the attack are the following: Consensus forecast for the GDP growth of the US economy is lowered by 0.5 percentage points in the year 2001 and 1.2 percentage points in the year 2002. Implied projected cumulative lost from the attack up to the year 2003 is estimated to be half a trillion dollars. Private sector investments went down the same with their inventory levels. The attack had shown the government that an additional investment is needed for the security of the country. It is estimated that an increase of 9.25% in defense spending was used by the government. Firms such as security and information technology had increase in demand. Federal Reserve had lowered the price of credit and and temporarily liquidated their assets to safeguard the integrity of the financial system and save businesses from bankruptcy. Aside from the impacts stated above by Looney (2002), Hevesi included factors such as disabilities and trauma to be at $3Billion, business interruption, training and liability losses to be at $21 Billion, Net Lost Rents of $ 1.05 Billion from both the damaged and destroyed buildings and Lost wages which amounts to $9.6 Billion In the medium term, Looney had defined several sectors that had been affected by the attacks. Five areas were highlighted on his report and these are the Insurance, Airlines, Tourism and other service industries, Shipping, and Defense. Losses of the Insurance industry are estimated to be at $30 to $58 Billion. These losses are the highest record in the history of the country. Primary insurers have increased their premiums and dropped their coverages for terrorism related risk, this in turn had affected other key industries. Strongest impacts of the insurance were seen in the aviation, tourism, transportation, construction and energy generation sectors. Commercial property and liability insurance rates have been raised by 30% on the average. The terrorist had used airplanes in order to trigger the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This had lead in putting the aviation industry in a weak position. An estimate of 20% decrease on the service orders had been ecperienced by airlines. Government support and airline passenger traffic was below normal and an estimate of 100,000 layoffs has been announced. Employment opportunities which were normally up in October and November fell by 80,000 or an estimate of 8% from the expected. Another sector that has been greatly affected is the tourism and service sector. These include hotels, tours, automobile rentals, travel agencies, and civilian aircraft manufacturers. As stated by Looney (2002), hotels have reported higher vacancy rates and employment in the sector as a whole fell by 58,000 in October and November. Relative Equity Values declined by 15%. Preliminary report of Fiscal Policy Institute in New York (2001) included attendance of people in the Broadway theatres had also decreased.. The Shipping sector was in a way affected by the attack, Maritime shipping rates had increased from 5 to 10 percent on average in the two weeks after the attack. Relative stability of freight rates ,despite the decrease in fuel costs and under-utilized capacity of the ships implied that transportation cost had increased because of the attacks Defense sector had experienced a significant increase on security-related programs in the budget for the year 2003. An additional budget of $48Billion was proposed for national defense. Homeland security budget was also increased from $20 Billion in 2001 to $38 Billion in 2002. An enhancement on the training of first responders which are the fireman, police and rescue workers were done, total preparation amounted to $8 Billion for domestic defense spending. The Fiscal Policy Institute or FPI (2001) included in their report losses on advertising because after the attacks commercial runs on television networks were cut down. FPI (2001) had estimated that there would be a 1,000 reduction in advertising employment and a 3% drop of revenues would be experienced by the advertising sector. Looney (2002), enumerated five effects in the   economy. These effects are higher operating costs, higher level of inventories, higher risk premium, Shift of resources t the military defense, and the shift away from globalization. As stated above, several increase in spending for defense had been experienced by the country, and higher insurance premiums were also done in the industry.   The attacks and also led to longer wait for time activities because several sectors and consumers are already cautious. These three reasons had led economist to say that higher operating costs maybe experienced by the industries in the country. Since businesses had been interrupted because of the attacks, several companies were not able to resume immediately. Businesses may be required to hold larger inventories at scale for fear that their suppliers may not be able to give the materials that they needed on time. An evidence on these was shown in the article of Looney wherein the auto industry production was interrupted because availability   of components were not immediately shipped out because of the delays in the crossing of the US-Canada Borders. The attack may have lead investors to avoid risking their money in businesses. As a result, higher risk premiums may be passed on to businesses in the form of higher interest rates, and lower equity prices. This could also lead to lower equity prices, business investment lowering and smaller capital stocks. The attack had been a terrorism activity. In response to this issue, the government would most likely divert their attention in strengthening the country’s defense through the military. Many resources may be diverted to military use. Research and Development Resources can be also shifted to concentrate on the development of new devices to thwart terrorism activities. Since there had been interruption in the cross-borders of the country, investors may think twice in investing abroad and concentrate on domestic investments. During this time, the â€Å"anthrax† scare is already being shown in the media. Several investors and the government may have taken this into consideration as such higher cost could be experienced because the businesses and the government would closely inspect items going in and out of the country. In the Chicago GSB magazine, the authors have included economic recovery for the country. According to Kevin Murphy, part of the debate team, expected recovery of the economy may occur within 15 months after the attack. Measured loss in the economy is estimated to be at 0.6% of the total asset of the country. Judging from the percentage of economic loss, the percentage shows a very minimal figure. Gary S. Becker, another part of the team had also stated that the country had retained basically all the human capital prior to the attack and because of this, the US economy would recover fully. It has been 6 years since the attack of the terrorist in the United States. Prior to the attack the economy of the country is already in the decline stage and this had been accelerated by the attack in the World Trade Center. Although the attack had greatly affected the economy, it is necessary to think on the before situation of the country because that situation had also affected the impact of the attack. The economy of the United States had already recovered since then, however, same security measures are still being by the country to address the issue of terrorism.

Heroes & Odysseus Essay

This paper will seek out to explore the way in which Odysseus and Oedipus were created as heroes and how they either missed their mark or did indeed become legendary. Throughout Homer’s chronicle, The Odyssey, are found the feats of cunning, strength, moral fiber and bravery attributed to Odysseus. The tale recounts the days after the fall of Troy, and the meandering journey which took Odysseus back to his homeland – though never truly home. The Odyssey begins with Odysseus stranded on a small forest island – trapped by the goddess Calypso while Oedipus begins with the oracle of Delphi stating that Oedipus will live to kill his father and marry his mother and thereby wrecking his home. It is explained through the text that the gods, save for Neptune have begun to pity Odysseus because of the great suffering he had endured. This suffering is explained to be of â€Å"every kind of blandishment to make him forget his home, so that he is tired of life. † (Book I) Calypso is intent on forcing Odysseus to marry her, but he does not falter to her whim, but still longs for his wife and home. Oedipus on the other hand does fulfill the oracle’s prophesy and no god saves him or pities him his fate. This is brought to the attention of Jove, or Zeus, son of Saturn and most powerful of the gods. The goddess Minerva calls to Jove to end the suffering of Odysseus, to which Jove replies: My child, what are you talking about? How can I forget Ulysses than whom there is no more capable man on earth, nor more liberal in his offerings to the immortal gods that live in heaven? (Book I) It is through the voice of Jove, the king of all the gods and goddesses that the reader is shown the esteem that Odysseus has gained. Jove calls Odysseus the â€Å"[most] capable man on earth†, which intends to illustrate the favor that he has earned from the gods. When it is decided by Minerva and Jove that Odysseus will be allowed to return home, Minerva travels to Ithaca – the home of Odysseus to tell his son to prepare for his father’s return. However the situation on Ithaca has become troubled as many suitors are vying for the hand of the, presumed, widow of the king. During this debate, Telemachus, the son of Odysseus convened the council and spoke of the trouble that had fallen on his house. My grieveance is purely personal, and turns on two great misfortunes which have fallen upon my house. The first of these is the loss of my excellent father, who was chief among all you here present, and was like a father to every one of you [†¦]. (Book II) Here, it is shown that not only was Odysseus capable of pleasing the gods, but also he was a great and fair leader. The council of Ithaca, though his subordinates, where treated as his own children – rather than simply citizens subject to his rule. It is also during this discourse that Telemachus calls for an end of the forced courting of his mother by saying â€Å"we have now no Ulysses to ward off harm from our doors, and I cannot hold my own against them. I shall never all my days be as good a man as he was† (Book II) – which then illustrated the strength and power that the presence of Odysseus commanded. Characters in plays are the designated interlopers between the subconscious of the audience or readers. These characters translate into reality and become a relatable experience because the hero has one tragic flaw that conquers them, ruins them, and brings them humility. This fallible nature is show the imperfections of humanity designed through sin; sin is one of the many idiosyncrasies which mark us as human, that create specific characteristics and through confession or the confession of characters in a play, this nature becomes like a myth in the end there is death or forgiveness. Aristotle’s definition for a tragic hero is one who is not in control of his own fate, but instead is ruled by the gods in one fashion or another. The tragic hero for Aristotle is tragic because of their lack of control or will in the face of their predetermined future and downfall. A great tragic flaw (hamartia) is the hero’s devil may care attitude at the beginning of each story, and then their despondency and stagnation of hope that meets them at the end of the play (Aristotle Ibid. , Book XIII, 1085b 35 & 1086a 12—14, P. 909]. In drama, ego is the flaw to which the hero succumbs. This is Oedipus’ great error. His ego is a compromise to his fortune. Even in the gods’ world he stands out as unique or special. Heroes begin their stories with aplomb of luck, or ego, or a rosy view of the world, and each play seems to end with destruction. Oedipus is blind at the beginning of the play and then becomes physically blind at the end of the play thus making the ethereal concrete. With Greek drama; the tragedy of the unmistakable truth found in the character’s own self-realization is the typically denouement. The playwright’s tragic heroes have survived in life under false pretences, thus they are doomed to suffer from their one flaw of ego. It is interesting that while ego is Oedipus’ downfall it is Odysseus’ strength for it is ego which allows him to continue trying to find his home even after decades of looking. By the forth book of The Odyssey, Odysseus is still making his way home, and the tales of his exploits are recalled. As Helen, wife of Menelaus, and the cause of the Trojan war spoke of Odysseus, she recalled his cunning and forethought in his dealings with Troy. â€Å"I cannot indeed name every single one of the exploits of Odysseus†, Helen told the men, â€Å"but I can say what he did when he was before Troy. † (Book IV) Helen recounted Odysseus donning a disguise and entering the city dressed as a beggar. Though she saw through the disguise and recognized him, she was unable to question him because â€Å"he was too cunning for me†. (Book IV) It was the plan of Odysseus to gather information on the city, and kill some of the soldiers before returning his army – which, as Helen recalled, he did. This praise of Odysseus was echoed by her husband, Menelaus. After Helen had spoken, Menelaus said â€Å"I have traveled much, and have had much to do with heroes, but I have never seen such another man as Odysseus. What endurance too, and what courage he displayed†. (Book IV) The strength and bravery of Odysseus, as recounted by Menelaus, illustrated the degree to which Odysseus had gained favor among his fellow Grecian kings. In Oedipus there is another case of fate controlling the destiny of man. Due to fate’s interference in the lives of heroes, it must be pondered whether or not they are heroes because they are devoid of choice and by definition a hero chooses their actions, but with fate, their actions are predestined. For Oedipus, his only link to heroism is that in his redemptive attitude . His heroic stance in Greek culture is seen as a protagonist who felt guilt for what he had done and this translates to the audience that if a hero can succumb to evil then they themselves, as less than heroic, are more likely to fall in favor, in the eyes of the gods. Human nature is a nature of reason, not strictly adherent to passion or feelings, and in drama playwrights strive to be exact in their representation of reality. Morality then, becomes the crux of Oedipus Rex. Morality is reason. This is not to say that Plato and other classic Greek writers were ascetic; rather they placed passion, and feelings in their plays but the ethics of humanity are tied into the good of a person because reasonably, being virtuous, or good leads a character to happiness or release at the end of a modern play. The word for this given by Plato is eudemonism, which means blissful. Throughout The Odyssey, many individuals recount the feats of Odysseus. His exploits had gained him favor from man and God alike – something afforded to very few others in history or mythology. It was the total of every aspect of Odysseus’ persona that he gained this favor. Throughout his life he had shown courage, fairness, loyalty, strength and cunning – and it is because of these traits that Odysseus is remembered. As a Greek hero, Oedipus is controlled by fate: His remittance of gouging his eyes shows that he is a strong hero because of his debt payment of sight. For Oedipus the flaw could be contained within the word ego while Odysseus’ heroism is marked by it. Ego in answering the sphinx riddle and unbeknownst to him killing his birth father, marrying his mother, having children; ego accounts for all of Oedipus’s actions, and it is fate which had designed ego and thus was the ultimate ruler of Oedipus and luck for Odysseus but both are considered heroes. Works Cited Aristotle. Sophocles. (1977). The Oedipus Cycle. Harcourt Inc. Florida. Homer. â€Å"The Odyssey†. trans. Samuel Butler. University of Oregon. Date of Access: April 30 2009. URL: http://darkwing. uoregon. edu/~joelja/odyssey. html

Friday, September 13, 2019

Should cars be more efficient Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Should cars be more efficient - Essay Example The case for making the cars more efficient finds its roots in two of the larger global issues – modern world’s dependence on depleting fossil fuels, and the impact of emissions on global climate. The proponents of making cars more efficient stress on the impact of cars on these two factors, and the opponents base their opinion on the huge investments needed to do so, and behavioral aspect of technology improvements. While both arguments seem to be strong, in the larger interest of sustainable development, the case for making the cars more efficient definitely seems to have an edge, on the face of it. This paper evaluates the two sides of the argument - whether (or not) cars must be made more efficient. Arguments â€Å"For† making cars more efficient The proponents for making cars more efficient base their arguments on three main pillars – decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and helping climate control, and saving s for the consumer and the government. Below each of these pillars are discussed in detail. Decreasing dependence on fossil fuels: The global oil reserves stand at 1.33 trillion barrels and the current global consumption rate is 84 million barrels per day (Rogers, 2010). Accordingly, the current oil reserves are expected to last no more than 44 years. This clearly means that we need to work today to ensure that our dependence on oil can be gradually faded away. Amongst the uses to which oil is put, Gasoline accounts for nearly 45% of all oil use – and this is mainly for transportation purpose. According to McKinsey (2007), the road transport sector is the largest oil consuming sector globally and consumes nearly 32 million barrels of oil per day. Within the road transport sector, light vehicles (cars) were responsible for 10 million barrels of oil use per day. Another output from the McKinney study was to compare the oil demand due to different fuel efficiency of cars in Euro pe and US. Generally, cars sold in Europe are more fuel efficient than those in the US as the US customers prefer larger vehicles. It was found that the lower fuel economy of cars in the US was responsible for 37% extra demand for oil in the US. This means that if the cars in US were to be as fuel efficient as those in Europe, the demand for oil in the US could go down by 37%. Further, the study estimates that without improvements in fuel efficiency, this gap is expected to increase to 42% by the end of 2020. Therefore, the onus of reducing the global dependence on oil is largely on transportation sector and specifically on cars - it is a natural obligation for the transportation sector to reduce the consumption of oil. Therefore, cars must be made more fuel efficient so that we can reduce our dependence on these depleting resources and make them last longer than they would at current rate. Reducing GHG emissions and climate control: Estimates suggest that the transport sector is re sponsible for 27.3% of global energy demand. Table 1 shows the details of energy demand per sector. Although it is below other sectors by pure numbers, the reality is however slightly different. In the other sectors, power transmission losses (which are due to production constraints) get added due to which their weight appears to be more. Therefore, from a pure demand perspective, the transport sector is a significant silo for global energy dem

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Using Control Systems Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Using Control Systems - Case Study Example The idea of balanced scorecard was developed by Kaplan and Norton. The balanced scorecard is a performance management tool backed up by design methods and automation tools, which is helpful for managers to monitor the efficiency of their followers’ activities and analyze the short/long term consequences of these actions. According to a survey of management tools conducted by Bain & Company (n.d.), balanced scorecard was the most widely used management tool in 2010. Design of a balanced scorecard facilitates the identification of a set of financial and non-financial measures and linking of targets to them. This design is helpful for managers to assess whether the firm’s current performance meets its expectations. As stated in (n.d.), under the balanced scorecard system, business managers gather and review information from four different perspectives such as the customer’s perspective, the internal business perspective, the innovation and learning perspecti ve, and the financial perspective. In contrast to conventional frameworks where employee performance plans pay attention only to behaviors, actions, or processes, the balanced scorecard approach particularly emphasizes individual employee performance so as to align employee performance plans with organizational goals. Management professionals opine that the balanced scorecard approach to employee performance is extremely effective to obtain an extensive view of an employee’s work performance. The major objective of the balanced scorecard is to develop an improved system that can measure the overall performance of an organization and identify the key areas of improvement (tutorialspoint). Another key objective of this management framework is to assess the efficiency of an organization’s workforce by simply focusing on their individual performance and the extent to which they meet expectations. An effective

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Write an annotated bibliography of five sources for hydrogen fuel cell

Write an of five sources for hydrogen fuel cell cars - Annotated Bibliography Example Authors in this study highlight diverse aspects related to hydrogen knowhow especially in terms of transportation, conversion and distribution, which experts ought to consider (Corbo, Migliardini & Veneri, 2011). They have also given an analysis of the current and available fuel cell technologies in relation to hydrogen in quest of ascertaining the equipments’ realization of the required efficiency. This source comprises of valid information best for researchers and those who may intend to venture in the field of implementing hydrogen knowhow. In this source, SÃ ¸rensen acknowledges the breakthrough so far made regarding the usage of hydrogen in improving global economy besides safeguarding environment (SÃ ¸rensen, 2012). However, he raises varied and critical concerns regarding emergent knowhow meant to extract hydrogen, store and distribute to various destinies where humanity intends to use it. It is from this perspective that SÃ ¸rensen highlights varied aspects regarding hydrogen knowhow including benefits and obstacles, which the researchers ought to consider. The author of this reference is a global-renowned energy researcher who has offered a rich literature meant for study especially in the energy field (SÃ ¸rensen, 2012). Hwang highlights benefits of utilizing hydrogen as fuel in scooters compared to the tradition traditional based petroleum fuels. According to his study, the new emergent hydrogen knowhow does not pose threat to the environment and it is rapidly replacing petroleum-based fuels. This is because hydrogen cell scooters do not contribute to the emission of GHGs (Hwang, 2012). Therefore, the source’s information is essential in outlining benefits, which the current knowhow posses over the traditional petroleum-based in comparison. Raine in this article reports Europe’s readiness in implementing the Hydrogen knowhow. Since, it is cheap compared to the former fuels especially

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Exclusive interview with E. H. Sutherland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exclusive interview with E. H. Sutherland - Essay Example The theory also had a structural element positing that conflict and social disorganization are the underlying causes of crime because they determine the patterns of people associated with. This latter element was dropped when the fourth edition was published in 1947. But he remained convinced that social class was a relevant factor, coining the phrase white-collar criminal in a speech to the American Sociological Association on December 27, 1939. In his 1949 monograph White-Collar Crime he defined a white-collar crime as approximately as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation. Sutherland's Response. Criminology is a fascinating field and because of my curious nature and natural passion for intrigue. I joined this profession and as you are already aware that the distinctive feature of criminology since the 1930s has been the dominance of sociology among the various disciplines studying crime and criminal justice. My humble contributions to the sociology of crime and delinquency came from his teaching, scholarship, and involvement in criminal justice policy and this field has helped me to pioneer, innovate and provide significant contributions to the study of organized crime, prisons, and criminological theory. I have also made central and lasting contributions to the sociology of criminal law and white collar crime and my ideas in each of these areas are reviewed to produce a portrait or profile of what he added to criminology, to remind those who know it already and also to those who have no knowledge about this field. Q2 Being an expert criminologist do you think that money and greed are the reasons w